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in2pbx: Callback

The Callback feature allows callers to hang up and get called back to the PBX. The callback feature could reduce the cost for users who work out of the office using their mobile phones.

Set up Callback

Add a Callback rule and set Inbound Route destination to the Callback rule.

Note: Make sure that the Caller ID service is enabled on the callback trunk. If the PBX cannot recognise the inbound caller ID, the callback will fail.

  1. Add a Callback rule.
    1. Go to Settings > PBX > Call Features > Callback, and click Add.
    2. On the Callback Configuration page, finish the callback settings.
      Callback | in2tel
      • Name: Set a name for the Callback.
      • Callback Through Select which trunk to use when calling back. Note: Make sure that you have set up an outbound route for the trunk, or the callback will fail.
      • Delay Before Callback: How long to wait before calling back the caller.
      • Strip: Optional. How many digits will be stripped from the call-in number, before the callback is placed Note: You do not need to configure Strip if the trunk supports calling back with the Caller ID directly. For example, if user 5503301 calls in the PBX, the caller ID displays 05503301. To call back to the user, you should set a strip of 1 digit so that the PBX will call back to 5503301.
      • Prepend Optional. The digits are added to a callback number before the callback is placed. Note: You do not need to configure Prepend if the trunk supports calling back with the Caller ID directly. For example, if user 15880232154 calls in the PBX, the caller ID displays 15880232154. To call back to the long-distance number 15880232154 through the selected trunk, you should add the digit 9 before the number. In this case, set Prepend to 9.
      • Destination: Where the callback will direct the caller to.
    3. Click Save and Apply.
  2. Set the Inbound Route destination to the callback.
    1. Go to Settings > PBX > Call Control > Inbound Route, and edit your inbound route.
    2. Set the Inbound Destination to the Callback
      .Callback | in2tel
    3. Click Save and Apply.
  3. Test callback. Make an inbound call to the PBX trunk, after you hear the ring tone, hang up the call, and the PBX will call back to you.

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